
These are two of the cutouts created by Alice O'Neill, my sister, out of one single piece of paper. The first is a shepherd's hut that we saw in the mountains of the Ariege and the second is the pog of Montsegur, seen through a medieval window. It's such a clever concept and incredibly skillful in execution since she can't use scissors or glue, but must cut the paper in one go. She's going to do some more, which I shall post, or you can look at her website, where you can see just what a novel and intriguing art papercutting is. It's also a fantastic way to make a record of your house: so much more interesting than a photograph and so much less expensive than a painting. And they are so individual - no two are the same.

I'm now onto Paradise Red, the third book of the Perfect Fire Trilogy, and my life is uncomfortably full of small panic attacks. The thing is, the Cathar heretics have taken a popular, almost heroic, hold of people's imaginations: the small Perfecti versus the big bully Catholic church is how they are usually seen. But I've taken rather a different approach, unsparing of the Catholic church of the time but also giving the Cathar heresy a darker hue. Is this more 'truthful'? I've no idea, except when you read the accounts of heretics willingly giving themselves up to be burned, the line between bonkers fanatic and heroic martyr can often become blurred. Still, I hope I'm not going to draw down the fury of those for whom the Cathars have achieved some kind of saintly status! Remember, these are novels ...
I must also post some more pictures of Miss Blackberry. She's one year old now, and naughty naughty naughty. Also, quelle horreur! Her ears have pricked up instead of being floppy. How has this happened! Is there a cure?
Finally, an admission. I'm completely hooked on the Sopranos (boxed set for Christmas). It's full of appalling violence. Nobody wears nice clothes. They're always eating, or swearing or garotting or somesuch. I definitely do not want to be them. And yet I just keep watching. Should I be worried?
Hi Katie - I hope you don't mind if I quote you from one of your previous posts:
"Some people concentrate their researches on facts but actually for a novelist it's far more important to research for atmosphere. Facts you can get from books or the web. Atmosphere you have to live: breathing the air, battling the wind, climbing the climb, walking the walk, viewing the view (in theory at any rate). At least that's what I tell my accountant."
The reason for the quote: I am an American writing a contemporary novel partly set in Scotland and am sadly, sadly in need of living, breathing people to help me fill in the gaps in my research. There's no end to what details I'd love to know about Scotland and especially Glasgow and surrounding area. But what I am most in need of are people willing to talk and help turn my naive 'americanisms' into Scots phrases, idoms and expressions.
I found your link from the Aye, Write website. I would love to be able to attend. Instead, I'll be at the next best thing; a Christian Writer's Conference at Mt Hermon, California.
I'd love to chat, or be directed to a good place to find people who would be willing to chat with an aspring American novelist.
Check my blog, and if you have time and are willing to chat a little, please email me:
camilleeide (at)
Blessings to you!
Hello, I was just browsing your site! Very nice.
If you want something to wean yourself from the Sopranos, you should try the West Wing. That's worth getting into!
Parul x
Hi, Katie.
Your sister's cutouts are really lovely. I've just gone back and reread your de Granville trilogy, and I'm still marveling at how well-put together the whole thing is. As a teen reader and writer, it's hard to find good books about the Crusades, but you managed to hit the nail on the head. I just felt the need to give you congratulatory Brownie points for that, and to say that I'm trying hard to find a copy of your Hangman book (the local bookstores seem to be without a copy).
Addicted to the Sopranos? Try Alias, if you're in to the 'spy' sort of thing. It's really good.
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